
In science, being precise is critical.

Sometimes that means using technical terms that do not come up in normal conversation. Other times, it can mean using familiar words in a different way, like the word work, which has a different meaning in physics than it does in everyday life. If you're new to science or to a particular subject area, this can be confusing.

That's why we created the Visionlearning glossary.

Readers can instantly look up words as they read a module. They can search terms alphabetically or by discipline, and bookmark them to a list to return to later. As you're reading a Visionlearning module, you will notice that some words are displayed in green text-these words are in our glossary. If you'd like to make all of the glossary words in a module more obvious, click on the highlight button beneath the table of contents. Hovering over these words will give you a preview of their meanings. Clicking on them will open a pop-up box with more information like pronunciation and part of speech. One more click will take you to the full glossary entry page where you can see any alternate definitions related to science, find links to more information, see what other modules the word appears in, and more.

Our iPhone mobile app also allows you to link to glossary terms from a module, or use the glossary as a standalone tool to access definitions while you might be reading another text or listening to a class lecture. For more information on this free app, click here.

Term of the day

Gerlach, Walther

[person] German physicist noted for his work with Otto Stern in establishing the spin-quantization of electrons.

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