The likelihood that a given event will occur. In statistics, probability is often expressed as a ratio of the number of actual occurrences of an event to the number of possible occurrences of the same event, i.e. there is a 50% probability of obtaining heads in a coin toss.
Appears in modules:
- Atomic Theory III Wave-particle duality and the electron
- Chemical Bonding Ionic and covalent bonds and polarity
- Circulation in the Atmosphere Earth's tilt, orbit, rotation, and the redistribution of energy
- Comparison in Scientific Research Uncovering statistically significant relationships
- Description in Scientific Research Observations and multiple working hypotheses
- Diffusion I Random molecular movement and influences on diffusion rate
- Experimentation in Scientific Research Variables and controls in practice
- Introduction to Descriptive Statistics Using mean, median, and standard deviation
- Introduction to Inferential Statistics Describing patterns and relationships in datasets
- Modeling in Scientific Research Simplifying a system to make predictions
- Natural Hazards and Risk Where Earth processes and society intersect
- Peer Review in Scientific Publishing What it is and how it works
- Statistical Techniques Constructing a confidence interval
- Statistics in Science Origins of descriptive and inferential statistics
- Uncertainty, Error, and Confidence Characterizing natural variability and human error
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